By defining your buyer persona and knowing where to find them it'll be much easier to deliver your message effectively. With that specific information you'll be able to make smarter decisions and approach your customer with the right message on the right channel.
What are the Critical Components needed to create a successful Testimonial Video
Testimonials provide evidence that you actually do solve customers problems and in fact, offer some very good benefits.
How B2B video marketing strategies are evolving in your industry
YouTube is the video platform and Instagram stories are loved by millions of the site’s users, but your B2B customers aren’t likely browsing on these social platforms – at least not during their 9 to 5 while they are in business mode and potentially tuned into your business services.
Video testimonials vs written, how you’re leaving golden marketing content on the floor
Written Testimonials vs Video Testimonials We’ve all seen written testimonials on websites and marketing pieces – and they’re good, but in today’s world people demand more than just a text block with a company’s name next to it. Unlike a static written testimonial, your audience are able to see how your real customer interacts with your brand...
How to Create Powerful Customer Testimonials Using Video
Smart companies create customer testimonials. Why? So their potential customers can hear from (and relate to) people just like them. They learn why they should buy a product and how it could be beneficial to solving their problems. Customer testimonials can do a fair bit of the legwork of a marketing and a sales team,...