Video Well Done
TAG Data Science & Analytics reached out to us to produce several interview videos for the finalists for their Innovation Award. While producing those videos they also wanted us to create some compelling storytelling videos to help market the event. They used these videos not only for social media and marketing but to tell their side to why this event is important to the innovators of the future.
Adding Business Value
Stories are in everything you do, and everything a brand does can become a story. Increase your visibility with the ability to present your brand story as a video. Make your audience care.
These are small touches that create the larger picture of your brand story. The actual content pieces are not the only parts to your story the audience will see, but the design plays a big part of your brand story as well.
The format, style, look and feel, are all key elements that play a big role in the overall experience that will be your brand story.
Video Care Tip:
Most small businesses are falling behind. Instead of video storytelling, they’re just selling on video…which is becoming less and less effective.
We’re here to make your decision about video easier. Give us a call, 678-744-3908
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