You need a video marketing strategy before you need a marketing video. Before you can just jump in front of the camera and talk about your business to your audience, you have to strategize about how to use video effectively and how it can complement everything else in your marketing strategy.
You want video to add to how you already engage with your target audience, rather than just clash and send mixed messages. If you had a very strong, consistent blog marketing presence with a very formal tone, your audience would be quite confused if you released a video of you in a t-shirt and jeans. If there are any inconsistencies in your brand identity, your audience will notice very quickly and disengage. To prevent that, closely assess your current marketing strategy and identify strengths, weaknesses, and the unique needs of your audience. Then take all that information and apply it to your video marketing strategy.
If your marketing strategy is mostly social media posts, consider which posts get the most traffic. If it’s posts about your employees and their experiences at your business, then consider creating similar video content. Or perhaps a lot of your website traffic is to reviews from former clients. Consider creating testimonial videos so that your audience can see real people and hear their experiences for themselves.
Once you finalize your video marketing strategy and have outlined all your needs, you can now approach a video production company for further consultation and production needs. And then you can jump in front of the camera and speak directly to your audience in a new way.