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First and foremost, THANK YOU! You guys sharing our videos, word of mouth and keeping us top of mind had the flood gates open. We’re having a record breaking year, all thanks to our supporters.
The year has come and gone and like you, we’re spending our time looking over what worked and what didn’t work. Here are four tips that will help you continue your marketing momentum for your business in Q4.
Tweak, don’t abandon
Unless your marketing had zero to negative effect, don’t abandon it. You have to be patient with creating marketing momentum. It doesn’t always happen over night. Marketing is staying top of mind to your audience and around this time, all your marketing efforts from the first quarter is now sinking in.
Tips and Tutorials
One way to stay connected with customers is by posting tips and tutorials relevant to your line of work. You’re not posting your trade secrets, you’ll actually establish yourself as a subject matter expert, leading viewers to want to learn more about your business.
All year your audience was learning about you, now they know how to use you. That’s how you build up marketing momentum.
Stay Consistent
Did I mention don’t abandon your marketing just yet? Most of your clients/customers are planning their new budgets, which mean they will be a little more relaxed about spending money. You don’t want to preach one thing all year and then switch it up, now that your audience is in the position to buy.
Let Them In
You’ve let them peer through the window, now let them in the back door of your business. This is something that we’ve started to do and have been getting a lot of engagement throughout the different social media platforms. We’ve highlighted some of the day to day behind the scenes things that we do at the company and it has taken off!
Extra Tip: Looking back at our stats from the year, we noticed our wordy posts got little to no engagement. While our visual posts (graphics, pictures and videos) received a lot more comments and shares. Try mixing it up and see what engagement works best for your business.